Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is it fall yet?

Once in a while, I'll order a cup of clam chowder if the restaurant's homage to New England or San Francisco is particularly convincing, but usually, I feel like soups at restaurants taste like it's been poured out of a can.  This one was not.

Tyler Florence's Roasted Tomato Soup with a Parmesan Crostini.  The recipe calls for a mix of heirloom tomatoes and plum tomatoes, and for that reason, I think, the soup is less tart than the watered-down ketchup that they (the soup industry) try to pawn off as tomato soup.  Oh and that shine?  That's from a chunk of butter.  And you thought Paula Deen was the only culprit responsible for America's losing battle to type 2 diabetes.

There's just something warm and inviting about a bowl of soup.  Like cashmere sweaters, hot apple cider (or chocolate for you weirdos), and a crackling fireplace.  Alex, I'll take "Things That Make Us Nostalgic For Fall" for $200.  Too bad it was 100 degrees today.  I definitely picked the wrong day to roast tomatoes in a 450-degree oven.  

On that note, I love fall.  I love the subdued colors, the forecast of rain and gloom, and the sound of my boots on the wet concrete.  Plus, it's perfect for some more roasted tomato soup.  Can't wait for it to be fall.  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Oh, the Swedes.

I freaking love Ikea.  
Coffee tables for under $10?  Check.  Ready-made Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes for a dinner party of 4 for $9.99?  Check.  Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend" playing in the background?  Check!!!

So I have an "herb garden."  It's hardly a garden.  And my herbs can hardly be considered alive.  Regardless, I make an attempt to resuscitate them back to life every 6 months.  Today was that day.  Admittedly, today was made possible only because some Swede decided to design a super-cute plant stand (sold here:  that would look even cuter with potted herbs in it.  So I followed the 7-step instruction manual and built my plant stand.  Look Ma, no screws left!

Yes, I know.  My thyme plant is out of control and is in desperate need of pruning and hydration.  But my parsley and basil plants are still going strong.  Resilient little bastards.  

I'm hoping to bring these back to life as I bring my blog back to life.  It's been over 2 years since my last entry.  I wish I could say that life got so busy that I just couldn't get around to updating my blog.  But there have been many recipes tried and many Instagram photos uploaded.  There has also been a shitload of bloggers clogging up the blogosphere with self-important, egomaniacal... well, shit (non-profane synonym suggestions welcome).  I blame Facebook, but that's going to have to be a whole separate entry.  Anyways, I was inspired by some blogs that I recently discovered that are just honest and amusing ramblings, coupled with non-DSLR photos that made me think, "Totally."  Bloggers!  They're just like us!  So here's my little hope that you'll be amused.